6 Recovery Techniques for Cyclists

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UXABHNPY7BProfessional road racing cyclist Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver of team Katusha says that he lost the 2012 Vuelta a España (Tour of Spain) after the second rest day. He was in the lead for 13 days, but after a rest day he fell to and finished in third place.

Our biggest takeaway from this story is that recovery can be an essential part of how athletes perform and/or stay injury free. Many cycling coaches agree that a well-planned recovery program is more important than the actual training portion of your program. Canadian Cycling Magazine recently published an article on how recovery can help cyclists make the most of their training program. They recommended the following recovery techniques:

  1. Cool Down – recovery starts with the cool down after your workout. This part of your recovery should be focused on slowing your heart rate, breathing, and bringing the core body temperature to pre-workout levels.
  2. Sleep – A lack of sleep can decrease the competitive edge and reduce your tolerance to training. Sleep is when your body recovers and repairs itself. The experts at Canadian Cycling Magazine recommend getting eight hours per night and a 30-minute powernap in the afternoon when possible.
  3. Fluid Intake – any kind of exercise increases the body’s need for water and electrolytes. Aim for a ratio of one liter of water for every 1000 calories burned.
  4. Nutrient Intake – muscles need protein in order to rebuild muscle. Carbs are where you get your energy. Be sure to have a post-workout snack or shake within 30 to 60 minutes after your workout. Two hours after your workout have a well-balanced meal.
  5. Recovery Rides – active recovery is ideal for days in between hard workouts. The lower-intensity workout brings blood and nutrients to the muscles and remove waste products in the body.
  6. Self-Myofascial Massage – self-myofascial release with a foam roller or massage stick can promote circulation, blood flow, and relax the muscles. Done the night of the workout, self-myofascial release can remove scar tissue, muscle adhesions, and restrictions in the fascia. Related product: CanDo® Foam Rollers.

Click here to read the full article.