Tips to Prevent Snow Shoveling Injuries this Winter

Posted on in Industry News, News

snowBy now many of us have had our first major snowfall of the season. We enjoyed building snowmen, sledding, and cozying up by the fire with a hot beverage. After the fun was over, some of us were given the tedious task of clearing the snow.

Anyone who has shoveled snow knows how hard it is on your body. Recently, a startling study by the American Journal of Emergency Medicine found that the typical winter task can also be a dangerous one. The study found that shoveling snow sends more than 11,000 adults and children to the hospital every year for bad backs, broken bones, head injuries, even heart problems. The study looked at snow shoveling injuries and medical emergencies in the United States from 1990 to 2006 using information from a national data base. During the period of the study roughly 195,000 people were treated for a snow shoveling-related injury.

How can you avoid snow shoveling-related injuries this winter? The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommend doing the following before beginning to dig out:

  • Warm up with some light exercise
  • Wear slip-resistant shoes
  • Pace yourself, take frequent breaks
  • Try pushing snow out of the way instead of lifting it
  • Don’t throw snow over your shoulder or to the side, the twisting motion may put stress on your back