Do you care for the elderly or a person with limited mobility? If so, have you heard of lift chairs? While they may sound like furniture found in a gym, lift chairs are specialized chairs designed to help those who need assistance getting back up after falling. Providing support for seniors and individuals with disabilities alike. They are becoming an increasingly popular option as caregivers strive to maximize comfort and independence for those needing close care.
Poor mobility becomes more and more common as we get older. Some older folks may be spryer than others, but they still may find it difficult to get back up after a slip or a tumble. In fact, every year, 3 million people aged over 65 years are treated at hospitals for injuries from falls. Caregivers must use their upmost caution when helping individuals who have fallen and can’t get up due to the risk of further injury. Lifting chairs reduce the risk of injury for the individual and the caregiver. They do this by lifting the person who has fallen to a comfortable sitting or almost standing position. Providing a sense of independence for the individual while also increasing their mobility.
Let’s be honest, it can be embarrassing for someone who fell and can’t get up on their own. This is why Raizer chairs are the perfect solution for helping individuals in a dignified and safe way. Both the Raizer II and the Raizer M are designed to be assembled around the fallen person. Helping people back up in just a matter of minutes. The only difference being that one is battery operated (Raizer II) and the other uses a crank (Raizer M). Meaning that the caregiver does not need to do any heavy lifting in order to assist. Just push a button with the Raizer II or use the handy crank of the Raizer M to get people back on their feet. Raizer chairs can be used in home care, in institutions, for rescue services and other services requiring a lifting aid and transfer of persons with limited mobility.
Keep in mind, buying the right chair for your individual needs is paramount. Raizer chairs provide the supportive solution for seniors and those with disabilities in need of assistance getting up from a fall. It plays an important role in ensuring the user’s safety and security, as it can make all the difference when you or a loved one needs help getting up after falling. All said, if you’re looking to provide a helping hand to an aging loved one or individual with mobility issues due to disability, a Raizer chair is the perfect solution.
For more information on the stats on older adults falling, click here.
To check out our selection of lifting chairs, click here.
Article written by William Graves.